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Sustainability Award


2023 TSNN Awards - Sustainability Award


Questex unveiled its roadmap to reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for both the company and its events. The initiative – called Quest Zero – allows Questex to drive positive change across the communities it serves and live up to its mission to serve the communities that are helping people live longer and better.   

The Quest Zero initiative will help Questex reduce GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050 at the latest. Questex’s timeline for reaching net zero:

  • 2023: Measuring carbon emissions using TRACE tool. Eight events will be measured to represent the entire portfolio and provide baseline data  
  • End of 2023: Publish Questex’s plan to achieve its goal to reach Net Zero
  • 2025: Systems in place to measure corporate and event footprint and sustainability criteria is embedded in all contracts    
  • 2030: Reduce global GHG emissions by 50% 
  • 2035: Remaining activities/items are replaced with renewable, reusable, sustainable alternatives  
  • 2040: Residual carbon emissions are removed from the atmosphere using robust and accredited carbon capture or removal processes   
  • 2050: Achieve net zero 

GLO Recycling

To accomplish this goal, Questex’s International Beauty Show (IBS) Las Vegas and the International Esthetics, Cosmetics, & Spa Conference (IECSC) partnered with GLO  (Green Life Organization), provider of zero-landfill recycling solutions, to educate the beauty and spa industries to reduce salon and spa waste. In North America, the salon industry produces 421,206 pounds of waste every day, resulting in 150 million pounds annually, according to Simply Organic. 

IBS and IECSC, which were held June 24-26 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, worked with GLO to provide recycling boxes for items such as foil, hair, brushes, gloves and different types of plastic and paper. GLO placed four different types of recycle boxes – hair recycling, mixed recycling, aerosol recycling and flammable recycling – throughout the co-located shows to encourage exhibitors and attendees to recycle the waste produced during the event. At the end of the shows, the GLO Collection Boxes were processed to avoid landfill. 

“Being given the prestigious TSNN Sustainability Award is a tremendous honor for Questex,” said Elizabeth Fantetti Trevorrow, event and partnership director, Beauty & Spa Industry, Questex. “We take great pride in being acknowledged as a leader in safeguarding our natural resources and raising awareness about the possibilities trade show organizers have in promoting sustainable options and resources. We are grateful for the recognition of our partnership with the esteemed organization GLO Recycling, as this award highlights our shared commitment to sustainable practices. Thank you for acknowledging our efforts and bestowing this esteemed award upon us.”

